Build faster, Ship smarter

Who is Simpli for?
Solo Developers
Get an app started instantly.
Build faster without overhead.
Hackathon Teams
Generate a working UI in minutes.
Technical Founders
Focus on the product, not setup.
How It Works
Get your project up and running in three simple steps
Run the CLI
Get started quickly with a single command: npx simpli-cli my-project
Customize the Project
Modify the generated code to match your needs and add your own features
Deploy with Vercel
Push your code and deploy instantly with Vercel for a production-ready site
What's Next for Simpli
Our roadmap for making development even simpler
What's Ready Today
- Simpli Framework - A modern, lightweight framework for building web applications
- Frontend CLI - Rapidly generate and customize frontend projects
- Component Library - Ready-to-use UI components
- TypeScript Support - Built-in type safety and better DX
Coming Soon
- Backend CLI - Generate backend services with ease
- Plugin System - Extend functionality with custom plugins
- Database Integrations - Seamless database setup and management
- Authentication Templates - Pre-built auth solutions
About us
Simpli is an open-source framework + CLI that helps developers skip the setup and focus on getting past the blank page.
With a fully preconfigured stack including:

Created by Cloudboy-jh, a developer passionate about cutting through complexity and making software frictionless. With experience in building software as his day job, and also selling Software at the enterprise level.